Tag Archives: portal

Uninstall Process Server, keep Portal Server

How to uninstall WebSphere Process Server 6.0 from your WebSphere Portal 6.0 environment. Continue reading

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How to get rid of SECJ0055E error message in WebSphere Portal

SECJ0055E is a WebSphere error message you might see in your SystemOut.log if you have changed your WAS Admin Password. Here is how to get rid of the message. Continue reading

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CNTR0019E: Initialization failed due to invalid property “supportedMemberTypes”.

Any problem where WMM (WebSphere Member Manager) doesn’t start properly is a deal breaker for Portal. Once WMM fails, every other component will fail, and you’ll be faced with a nasty 404 message. After installing and on a … Continue reading

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Oracle runstats oneliner (ok, two liner)

Use this to generate a runstats script for your Oracle system. Only works for 6.1 . Also very ugly 🙂 #!/bin/bash export PROFILE_PATH=/opt/WebSphere/wp_profile cat ${PROFILE_PATH}/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc_comp.properties | grep DbUser | grep -v source | grep -v ‘#’ | grep -v DBA … Continue reading

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DB2 and ConfigEngine : Security mechanism not supported

How to fix the error “Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: Security mechanism not supported.” when using DB2’s DATA_ENCRYPT setting and WebSphere Portal’s ConfigEngine. Continue reading

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How to solve CWWIM4520E on Portal 6.1

How to solve EJPSG0015E, CWWIM4520E by remapping portal attributes to ldap ones. Continue reading

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ERRORCODE=-4214, SQLSTATE=28000 from DB2 on Ubuntu

Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: Local security service non-retryable error. ERRORCODE=-4214, SQLSTATE=28000 is a common error when using DB2 on newer versions of Ubuntu. This post describes how to fix this problem. Continue reading

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Checking the version of the Oracle JDBC driver jar

How to check if you have the right version of the Oracle driver installed to use with WebSphere Portal. Two methods of checking this are discussed. Continue reading

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