Tag Archives: ibm

Uninstall Process Server, keep Portal Server

How to uninstall WebSphere Process Server 6.0 from your WebSphere Portal 6.0 environment. Continue reading

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How to solve CWWIM4520E on Portal 6.1

How to solve EJPSG0015E, CWWIM4520E by remapping portal attributes to ldap ones. Continue reading

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ERRORCODE=-4214, SQLSTATE=28000 from DB2 on Ubuntu

Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: Local security service non-retryable error. ERRORCODE=-4214, SQLSTATE=28000 is a common error when using DB2 on newer versions of Ubuntu. This post describes how to fix this problem. Continue reading

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Getting WebSphere Portal to install on Ubuntu

Portal 6.1 will not install on Ubuntu out of the box. Here’s how to fix it. Continue reading

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